How To Appear Confident (Even When You’re Not)

Live Your Mark
Live Your Mark
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2017


It isn’t always easy to walk into a room feeling confident. Sometimes we envy people who could walk into a room and have that ability to make everyone feel good about themselves. Smiling, asking about someone’s kids, talking about the recent football match — how can one pull off this confidence?

In fact, it can be a real challenge to look like you have everything together and to turn the charm on. What if we told you that there are ways for a person to try to appear confident, even when he or she isn’t really feeling that way? We have some tips you could try out now!

Speak Less, Listen More

A misconception we have about confidence is the need to chime in on everything that others are saying. Confidence comes from having a chance to ruminate on what others have spoken before giving your input. Sit back and listen more often. Listen to what others are saying and take time to digest the information. Appear confident by giving your opinion delivered in a well-thought out manner.

Remove Inner Negativity

You are your worn biggest critic. That inner voice is always reminding you about your shortcomings and that will be the most difficult voice we have to deal with. That negative voice can make it tough for an individual to appear confident in a group. Instead, the inner voice could be causing a physical reaction that others can actually see. One of the best tips to remove that inner negativity is to shut it out all together or replacing those negative thoughts with positive ones that will transform your physical appearance, creating a more confident look. Think of 3 things that you feel proud about yourself. When it comes to professional coach certification, one of the most important lessons learned is how to deal with that negativity and get past it.

Make Eye Contact With Others

One of the best tips to boost your confidence stance involves one of the smallest parts of the body. There are several ways you can improve your body language, but making eye contact when speaking to others can have the largest impact. Don’t look away when speaking or listening. Instead, make it a point to keep eye contact throughout a conversation. It creates the appearance of confidence and can ensure that the other person knows that he or she is being paid attention to.

These quick and effective tips can transform your confidence as well as the way people perceive you. Confidence is key to advancing your career and make a real change in how you are viewed by other people. Share some tips on how YOU stay confident during delivering an important presentation or speech?



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